Of the top 5 stressors in every living persons life – Dealing with GRIEF, DIVORCE OR RELOCATION are the top 3!

Fresh Coat of Paint is our hands on home solution that focuses on creating rooms in a home that are balanced, functional, aesthetically pleasing and peaceful. When life is most challenging you will find that your immediate interiors become as jumbled and messy as the thoughts in your mind! With everything going on, or when its all said and done, who will you call to help you unpack all of the boxes? Sort thru what stays or goes? Prep items for you to sale? Specify things you want to donate? Organize everything you will keep? Or, Restyle your home using all of the things you already have so that you can breathe easier?

This service is best for, but not exclusive to:   

*A widowed spouse who can’t sleep in the room they once shared
*A close contact of a deceased relative needing help with their home

  *A divorcee who needs to make immediate changes that will promote healing and offer the peace of a new beginning.                                  *A relocated + overwhelmed employee/executive who needs some help creating a home-work-balance, so that they can be more productive at work.

The main goal of Fresh Coat of Paint is to inspire joy, increase productivity, and enhance an overall well being that will serve our clients as a whole, not just the spaces they inhabit. After my own traumatic divorce in 2018, I realized from my own needs that there was a huge element of Interior Design that was not being serviced! The Human Element.

Yes we all want to live in beautiful homes filled with our beautiful furniture and all the things! But life be life-ing, and for those things you just have to adjust, schedule a Fresh Coat of Paint Service, and by all means, keep moving! When its time for interior designing your new space, thats an easy fix! However, today your life can use this service! We believe that no one should have to face the physical stresses of putting a chaotic home back together, alone. We understand + we are here for you!

Is it time for A Fresh Coat of Paint in your life? 

Contact us to discuss your specific needs…Click here to schedule your Discovery Call Today!


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